Pair of Box Stirrups
Initials of former owner: J. CH
Cast and chased silver, carved wood and leather.
Private collection
This pair of stirrups is being of the carved wood box stirrup variety, have the characteristic of protecting the rider from geographic conditions, in places where there were spiky bushes, torrential rivers and inclement climates. The Jesuits’ arrival in the Americas, and the great number of artisans that came with them, contributed to the development of varying trades. They brought with them the necessary knowledge, materials and tools to undertake this sort of carving work in objects belonging to the rural world. It is as such that ornamental motifs such as rosettes, volutes, decorative borders, phytomorphic devices, spirals, buds, braided cords, geometric patterns and adornments could come to be so widely developed in the artistic silverware of the Viceroyalty of Peru.
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