Gaspar Miguel de Berrío (attrib.) (Puna, Upper Peru. ca. 1705 - ca. 1762)
Private collection
The scene is set against a light sky-blue background which melts into the clouds. The center is dominated by the Sacred Heart of Christ, which contains the Virgin and the Infant Jesus. The Virgin is holding a rosary and being crowned by two little angels, while wearing exquisite robes with gilt brocade imitating stars and plant motifs. Her long head of hair is adorned with brightly-colored flowers and she boasts beautiful gold earrings. Sat on an imaginary throne, she offers the rosary to St. Dominic, on his knees below her, while cradling the Infant Jesus in her left arm, the latter standing on her skirts, dressed in a smooth, transparent silk cloth. The Infant, carrying a cross, is blessing St. Francis, who is kneeling at the same level as St. Dominic. Oddly, the Holy Trinity is depicted vertically in the center of the painting, made up of God the Father (emerging from a cloud and with a triangular halo symbolizing his three-fold presence), the Holy Spirit (in the form of a white dove) and the crowned Jesus Christ, depicted underneath his mother.
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