Alonso Berruguete (attrib.)
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This Pair of Pendentives was undoubtedly created as decoration of an architectonic structure to enrich an altarpiece ornamentation. In the first pendentive, within a scenery formed by volutes, there are musical instruments, two violins and two trumpets, over a banyan and a book. In its upper part, there is an unidentified object, and in its lower angle, a male face with a moustache and plentiful dark hair blown by the wind. The second pendentive, framed by the same plant decor, shows several weapons. A breastplate, covered by a helmet, practically covers the whole surface, and underneath, there are the tip of a cannon and two bullets on the left, and two tips of spears, two arrow tips, and an axe on the right. A cloak under the breastplate covers most of the scene. Both representations are sculpted in polychrome relief over a golden background, with a predominance of vermillion red.
The design of objects inspired in the classical era was a constant feature during Alonso Berruguete's artistic career, since it can be found in all his creations. This Pair of Pendentives shows one of the favorite repertoires ever in his work, in which the choice of iconography and the perfect technique applied in its development are outstanding. Besides, the creation of faces with vacant expressions, oblique looks and frowning is very characteristic of his work, as it can be appreciated, for example, at the Conversión del Godo Zalla (The Conversion of Zalla, the Goth) relief, at San Benito de Valladolid altarpiece (The National Museum of Sculpture, Valladolid). The way of sculpting hair, with abundant curly locks, is similar.
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