Circle Josefa de Óbidos
This piece depicts a female figure with a round face, wide brow, large eyes looking towards the heavens and a small mouth. Her short hair is neatly wavy and she wears a feather headdress from which a jewel is hanging down. Her dress is lavish with a wide neck, pleated sleeves with flowers and lace on her forearms, and one long glove covering her right hand. She is wearing a pearl necklace and a double bracelet, also with pearls, on her left wrist. She is depicted from the front and from the waist up, sat at a table holding the following objects: a miniature with a bust portrait that may be of The Saviour, in an oval frame, on which she rests her right hand; an upturned bottle of perfume that is leaking its contents; an octagonal box; another, flatter and rectangular box; a ring with a pearl; a round jar which has also been upturned, and from which pearls are spilling out; a two-sided comb, a small round recipient with a lid, and a spindle with tape wound around it. At the back of the scene, from the top moving down, we observe some clouds and horizontal stripes and, on the table, six-petalled flowers and semicircles.
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